Potluck at Laurence's (Apr. 2024)

Potluck at Laurence's (Apr. 2024)

Potluck at Laurence's (Apr. 2024)

Shifu's Birthday🎉 🎂(Mar. 2024)

Fun Night! (Jan. 2024)

Fun Night! (Jan. 2024)

Rahme Lab Holiday Party (December 2019)

Dr. Rahme receiving her honorary Masters degree from Harvard Medical School (May 2018)

Dr. Rahme and her daughter, Niovi, at the HMS ceremony highlighting Dr. Rahme's appointment to full Professor (May 2018)

The Rahme Lab at the HMS ceremony highlighting Dr. Rahme's appointment to full Professor (May 2018)

Lab meeting celebration for Dr. Rahme's appointment to full Professor (February 2018)

Send-off party for Dr. Tomoe Kitao-Ando, who left for Japan—she will continue to be among the network of international collaborators of the Rahme Lab. (February 2016)

Photo in front of MGH (August 2017)

Farewell party for summer students, Frederick Walte and Tuana Demir. Frederick will be returning to Saarland University in Germany to work towards a Ph.D in Chemistry, and Tuana headed back to Istanbul, Turkey to finish her Med School degree. (September 2015)

Rahme Lab lunch

Thier Building 3rd floor picnic (May 2015)

Thier Building 3rd floor picnic (May 2015)

Dr. Rahme and Dr. Ronen Hazan with their children, posing with Santa Claus (December 2006)

Rahme Lab holiday party (December 2005)

A Day at the MGH Courtyard (2002). Yiorgos Apidianakis, Jianxin He, Laurence Rahme, Regina Baldini, Eric Déziel, Suresh Gopalan, Gui Cohelmo, Qunhao Zhang.

Melissa Starkey, Meenu Kesawarni, Regina Baldini, Biliana Lesic, Laurence Rahme, Francois Lepine, Yiorgos Apidianakis (2003).

Celebrating John Tsongalis' admission to MD, PhD. program at UMass. John Tsongalis, L. Rahme, Boyan Goumnerov, Cindy Waledzewich, Gee Lau, Gomathi Krishnan, Hui Cao (2000)

Rahme Lab at Switzerland attending the Pseudomonas International Biennial Conference (1998)